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Let’s bust some myths.

How many “facts” about vaping are empty promises?

People spread info that makes vaping seem less dangerous than it is. But they’re just full of hot air. Get the real truth below.

Myths vs Facts

  • Myth

    Nicotine is just like caffeine.


    Nicotine is highly addictive and can harm the parts of the brain that control mood and learning.

  • Myth

    Vaping is healthier than smoking cigarettes.


    The chemicals in vape juice are linked to cancer, asthma, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

  • Myth

    If I vape, I won’t smoke cigarettes.


    Eighth graders who vape are 10 times more likely to eventually smoke cigarettes.

  • Myth

    Vaping doesn’t hurt the people around me.


    When you vape, you inhale aerosol into your lungs. Bystanders breathe this in when you exhale.

  • Myth

    E-cigarettes just produce harmless water vapor.


    Vaping exposes you to diacetyl, a chemical linked to serious lung disease.