Vaping’s side effects.
Newsflash — they’re not on your side.
Learn how vaping can make you feel, long after the buzz is gone (it’s not good).

Side effects
Propylene glycol, an ingredient in vape e-liquids, causes dehydration, dry mouth, and increased thirst.
Source: American Lung Association and U.S. News & World Report
Because many vapers exhale through their nose, propylene glycol, a vape e-liquid ingredient, dehydrates the inside of the nostrils, leading to frequent nosebleeds.
Source: American Lung Association
Mouth sores
E-cigs interrupt the body’s immune system, which may cause mouth sores or wounds that won’t heal.
Source: USA Today and CDC
Mucociliary dysfunction
Vaping irritates the throat and impairs the body’s ability to move and expel mucus and phlegm, causing vapers to clear their throats excessively.
Source: USA Today